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Street Surgeries COMING UP

“What is a street surgery?”

Good question – and basically, it’s a chance for me to come to you if you need any help or advice from me or my team. We usually hold surgeries in our office or in venues across Glasgow North East, but I know that’s not always the most convenient when people have other commitments. So, to get around this I’ve planned a series of street surgeries where I can come to your door and listen to anything that might be concerning you or to hear about any issues you want to raise with your Member of Parliament.

As your MP I’m here to help you with everything from upholding consumer rights to making sure you’re getting all the support and benefits you might be entitled to, and so much more (like getting back money people are owed from HMRC or helping chase up housing repairs– we really have done it all!).

On top of all of this I’m here to listen to you. I get so many letters on issues that matter to people across Glasgow North East, from concerns about legislation on animal welfare to how we protect our employment rights. Street surgeries are a great way to hear about these things first hand, so please, if you would like me to pop by and chat then give me a call or an email and my team will book that in.

I look forward to hearing from you, and if you would prefer to just reach out by phone or email for some help or advice, myself and my team are always here for that.