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The Cost of Living Event is on Saturday 24th Feb and will be attended by a number of organisations who specifically help and advise on maximising incomes and saving money, whether that is through energy efficiency, benefits advice or help accessing grants and funds. (Home Energy Scotland, The Wise Group and more). The aim of the event is to make it as easy as possible for you to get the right advice, and it will be a great opportunity to see you in person.

As well as the many organisations who will be attending, I will be there with my team to meet with you and help with any issues you might be needing a hand with. We deal with all kinds of issues for constituents, and if there is something we can’t help you with then we’ll know the people who can, and I’m pleased to say I’ll be joined at this event by your local Councillor Ruairi Kelly.

I’m particularly interested in speaking to constituents about the cost of energy. I’ve been campaigning for over two years on banning so called ‘self-disconnection’ for anyone on a prepayment meter. Through this I set up an All-Party Parliamentary Group that has pushed the UK Government and Ofgem to recognise the higher rates and standing charges paid by prepayment meter customers, and I’m glad to say progress has been made. Prepayment meter customers now pay the same in most cases as Direct Debit and Standard Credit customers, but more can still be done, we are simply paying far too much for energy while the big suppliers profit!