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Israel-Palestine Conflict


I have been receiving so many thoughtful emails and letters from constituents concerning the escalating conflict in the Middle East.

My thoughts are with every innocent civilian who finds themselves caught up in this cycle of violence and I, alongside my SNP colleagues, stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people who are now facing collective punishment in the form of aerial and ground offensives from Israeli forces, there is no excuse for this brutality. This does not mean that we condone the actions of Hamas or the atrocities they have committed. In fact I would condemn the hostage taking, murder and rape of innocent people in Israel in the strongest possible terms.

Of course any country has the right to defend itself from terror and it is understandable that Israel, in this case, is retaliating against the Hamas attacks, but as the First Minister made clear, they are going too far with their planned approach. This is the very definition of collective punishment.

Innocent children, women and men should never be considered collateral damage, whether they are Palestinian or Israeli.

The footage that we are witnessing in the media is beyond our comprehension and constitutes terrorism in its most abhorrent form, for which there can be no justification. I watch it too and so I know that it will be having an impact on all of my constituents, even those who have no connection to either Israel or Palestine.

The First Minister, Humza Yousaf MSP, has written to the Foreign Office calling for the establishment of a humanitarian corridor in Gaza to allow both the evacuation of civilians and the provision of food, fuel, water and medical supplies to those who can’t leave. In addition to this the Scottish Government has pledged £500,000 in aid to assist the UN in setting up a humanitarian corridor. The focus of the UK Government and the International Community should be on making sure that the aid is delivered as a matter of urgency to Gazans on the ground who are waiting desperately for food, water, medical supplies and energy.

We, the SNP, are pushing the Prime Minister and the UK Government to call for unfettered humanitarian aid access and to demand Israel rescinds the evacuation order and restores food, water and power.

We are also calling on the UK Government to support a ceasefire agreement, which is a priority above any other demand. The first thing that must be ensured is the safety of innocent civilians caught in the crossfire of this escalating conflict.

Both the First Minister and Stephen Flynn MP (SNP Westminster Group Leader) have also pushed the UK Government on the creation of a refugee resettlement scheme for people who want to leave Palestine amid the Israel-Gaza conflict, confirming that Scotland is ready to take the lead in resettling refugees. As a nation we have always stood ready and willing to welcome those in need of sanctuary and I am so pleased to see both our First Minister in Holyrood and our Westminster leader make this clear to the international community.

There are reports of an increase in both Anti Semitism and Islamophobia which is extremely depressing. If you know of anyone experiencing either please do ask them to report any instances to the police but also to let me know. There is no excuse for either.